The objective of this blog is that people around world can have knowledge about ancient civilizations. like Mayan civilization in these case

martes, 11 de marzo de 2008

Work in the Mayan civilization

Work in the Mayan civilization.

The Mayan´s people were worker people, and their economy was based in the agriculture, they, also, hunts, fished, tamed animals, and worked the stone that they used to build weapons, decorations and work instruments, they also worked the pottery.

The Mayan civilization is considered like a very advanced cultural group because they achieved a great development in many areas like the astronomy, architecture, mathematics sculpture, ceramics, painting, and others.

Furthermore, the Mayan civilization had a particular style in its art, because they represent the human person in a real way, with perfect proportions of the body in movement. The principal fear of their art was the sacred thing, the ritual thing, the daily life, fishes, turtles, jaguar, bat, etc.

The stone was one of the raw materials, and with it they built sculptures, buildings, but, they, also, were interested in the personal aesthetics and for this reason, they made jade decorations, as necklaces, earrings, slopes and masks, so they deformed their skulls and noses, and they were hung a decoration in the forehead. These decoration pieces make part now of the Pre-Columbian art.

About education, it was received depended on the social class of the person. The lower social classes received basic education, while nobles received a higher education because this needed scientific knowledge to occupied administrative charges. To future priests, additionally, they learned astronomy secrets; they were obligated to have an honest private and public life, because they had to be good models to people

By Paula Fernanda Fortoul.

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